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Buddha.dll For Call Of Duty Black Ops II
Black Ops II is the sequel to one of the best-selling video games of all time. The previous game was also a major success, but this one includes even more cool features. I’ll share with you these new features and why they are awesome, as well as what improvements have been made to other aspects that were already awesome in Black Ops 1.How about some weapons? Well, if you have played the first Black Ops game then you will be excited for some of these new enhancements coming your way! This includes the addition of an assault rifle attachment called Quickdraw which fires faster after being aimed down sights for a moment. There is also the addition of a new SMG called the PDW which has an amazing rate of fire and hip firing accuracy allowing for an overall more destructive weapon.What about some new attachments? Well, let’s look at some of the awesome new attachments that are soon to be in your hands when you buy this game! The Thermal Scope attachment for Sniper Rifles will allow you to see enemies through smoke grenades and around corners. This will give an advantage when using the Sniper Rifle in Black Ops 2. You can also use a Tracker Sight on any weapon that is compatible with that attachment, allowing you to see where your bullets are landing. There are a bunch of new perks, but I’ll just mention a few here. One new perk is called Second Chance allowing you to see enemies still moving after being killed, as well as being able to kill again instantly after being fully revived from near death. This is really cool and will definitely allow you to have an edge when playing as a Hardcore player. Another perk that will be useful as a Hardcore player is called Killstreak Pro allowing you to use any weapon or equipment that you have used in the last 10 minutes, including health kits and grenades. These perks are going to make the game way more fun for those players who choose to go Hardcore. There will also be new maps in Black Ops 2, and lots of them! These maps add more cool features such as weapons cabinets, the iconic safehouses from the original game. Some maps will include car spawns so you can get around even faster when playing this game. There will also be a new zombie mode called "Zombies" in Black Ops 2. This will add a whole lot more to the game and they have made it extremely fun and challenging! As you progress through the adventure you will need to watch out for multiple different types of zombies that need to be dealt with differently than just an ordinary zombie player would expect. You will do this while trying to find a new radio frequency that you will need to make your way through the zombie-infested town. There are also a variety of other features included in Black Ops 2 such as the ability to make your own custom classes, which is very nice because it allows for more customization between different players. You can even add signature tags which will allow friends to see your name over your head so they can identify you easier. There is even more than I’ve mentioned, but I think you get an idea of how much there is in this game.
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